An Iggy Christmas.

Did you have a nice Christmas, Iggy?

“I guess.”

Did you get anything you wanted?

“I got a bacon chew treat for a minute.”

For a minute?

“Muppet took it.”

I’m sorry, Iggy.

“That’s okay, I’ll just jump on her later and scare the hell out of her.”

Iggy, I don’t think you —

“Probably around 3 AM.”


“Gotta rest up — gonna be a busy night.”


2 thoughts on “An Iggy Christmas.

    1. Happy Howl-idays to you too! All went okay. I also got them both stuffed Rudolph toys, which got their minds off the chew treats. Each decided they wanted the other’s toy, then they both decided they didn’t want either one and walked away from them. Ingrates.

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